Archive for March, 2016

Archive for March, 2016

Wild Bird Seed At Pasturas

It’s a beautiful scene to look outside your window and see a unique wild bird eating out of a bird feeder you planted in your backyard. Wild Bird feeding is a great educational tool for your family. It teaches the importance of becoming more environmentally aware while allowing you to...

Colored Easter Chicks Are Here

Colored Easter Chicks arrive at Pasturas Los Alazanes on March 17, 2016. Just in time for Easter, these might be the cutest, most colorful chickens you’ve ever seen. And they’re real. Bright, rainbow colored chicks. They’re available for a limited time in Dallas, at Pasturas. Before you bring home Colored Easter Chicks, make sure...

Chicken Tractors Are Here

Chicken Tractors are now available at Pasturas Los Alazanes. What is a Chicken Tractor, you ask? Chicken Tractors or arks as they are called in other countries, are movable chicken coops, on wheels.  Because these tractors don't have a cage bottom, the chicken manure goes directly to the ground and becomes...